Grigori Grabovoi's Training

Grigori Grabovoi's practical and initiatory Teaching for the immediate expansion of consciousness and spiritual development capable of realizing eternal life in the physical body, an obligatory feature in the multidimensional reality the Earth is entering in these years.


We can change our reality ! We can change and heal our bodies, up to organ regeneration, achieve economic abundance, improve all aspects of our social, family, relational lives. The keys to change have always been in our hands.
The method is what Grabovoi called “Piloting Reality”, that is, the way to make conscious to our consciousness the process of creation of reality, which is constantly renewed, every 10^-17 seconds, based on collective consciousness.
To learn how to do this, the best way is to take the certified courses of the Grigori Grabovoi Foundation, the main organization to spread the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi around the World. The Foundation has built a training path by selecting the best teachers, both Italian and international, to transmit in all major languages of the world the complete Teaching on piloting reality and the eternal life in the physical body

The training program consists of 3 mutually integrated sections:

Inductive Course

main elements of Teaching to understand the mechanisms of reality creation and lay the foundation for all subsequent teaching activity.

The course is aimed at presenting the basic mechanisms of the reality creation and piloting process, and focuses on Grabovoi “Introductory Course in Teaching by Grigori Grabovoi”.

The introductory course is held online, and can be taken either live or later as study material. 

Academic Course

A real access to the higher information planes of reality, a practical experience of transcendence

The course involves on the part of the lecturer a deep experience multidimensional experience of the informational content of the transmitted text, coupled with clairvoyant ability and knowledge of the techniques of transmitting these experiences to students, which makes each lesson a real access to higher informational planes, that is, a true transcendence of individual reality. Each lesson on the text will be associated with a subsequent lesson of explanation and further study.

Classes are held online, and can be watched either live or later as study material. 

Didactic lectures

Learning to fully pilot reality with the technologies and theoretical content of Grigori Grabovoi’s Teachings. In the educational lessons, all the technologies and theoretical content – both principal and advanced – of Grigori Grabovoi’s Teachings will be conveyed by the most internationally experienced teachers in every section of the Teachings themselves. In this case too, the practical part involves the transmission of individual experience by the teacher, as in the academic course, also conveying the Teachings on a spiritual level. Part of the lessons will be conducted by international teachers, and part will be led by native-speaking teachers, to adapt the Teachings to each country.

The lessons are held online and can be attended live or accessed later as study material.